Prints for Nature fine art photography sale is now live. It includes some stunning photographs by more than seventy nature photographers from all around the world.
I’m very pleased to announce that my image of a wild female Sumatran Orangutan waking from her overnight nest as the morning sun breaks through the dense rainforest canopy has been chosen as one of the images for sale.
It’s one of my favourite images from my many trips to this incredible Indonesian Island. I was due to return to Sumatra this year, carrying on my work to document the plight of these critical endangered Orangutans. Sadly coronavirus put a stop to that, fingers crossed I’ll get back there soon.
Conservation International mission is to build upon a strong foundation of science, empowering societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature, global biodiversity, and the well-being of humanity. Since 1987 they they have been fighting to protect nature for people. Supporting grassroots conservation all over the globe which is now more important than ever due to the coronavirus pandemic.
With 100 per cent of profits from each sale being donated directly to Conservation International. It’s a fantastic way to help the grassroot conservation projects that have really struggled this year with a fall in visitors and revenue. If you’d like to purchase one or more of these prints from the incredible choices available then click here to see all the images for sale.
“Craig’s photography covering the plight of the Sumatran Orangutans has been published around the world on the BBC News, BBC Wildlife Magazine and National Geographic magazine. He’s also appeared for Nat Geo WILD discussing Sumatra as part of the “Paradise Islands & Photo Ark” National Geographic series. He’s spoken at the Green Party Conference about palm oil and it’s effects that he’s seen firsthand. Spoken at the Natural History Museum in London twice on behalf of those critically endangered Sumatran Orangutans bringing their plight to the public’s attention.
He works tirelessly to bring about a more ethical approach to wildlife photography and has worked hard to bring this issue to the surface on the Kay Burley Show on Sky News and the Guardian. He doesn’t enter photography competitions and so cant claim to be “award winning” He never wants to use that unconscious bias and message to say he’s better than anyone else.
His images represent an event that occurred in the wild something that he witnessed and recorded with his camera. His skill lies in interpreting and presenting this in a way that invokes beauty, mood and emotion with each moment captured.
As an ex soldier he tries to help those injured by war or trauma. Showing the beauty of the natural world and how it can heal and add such a lot to the persons life both physically and mentally. He’s done many podcasts talking about this in the hope his own experiences will help others. Modern Mann – Nature-Nurture podcast being just one.
He has never forgotten his roots , his late mother for instilling the beauty of nature into him and his childhood love of wildlife that is behind his work today” – Conservation International
Thank you to the whole team for featuring this special image of mine. Good luck to Conservation International with this event and I wish you all well in the future.
The post Prints for Nature first appeared on Craig Jones Wildlife Photographer.