A great honour to be asked by Nikon, Japan, to contribute to this one off, special edition book that has now been released, its celebrates the 80th Anniversary of Nikon. I have a number of my images included along with the real life stories behind them. It fills me with even more pride to be representing my country on the world scene by being one of the “Eyes Of Nikon” photographers chosen from the UK
“The book introduces the world’s leading 21 photographers’ original work with story’s around the lens used for the work. The book will also introduce the technology and decades of craftsmanship of NIKKOR lens by the Nikon engineers. Nikon announce the launch of art book of photography, “Masters of the Light” and “Eyes of Nikon” The book celebrates the 80th anniversary of NIKKOR, brand of camera lenses produced by Nikon Corporation, under the theme of “ART meets TECHNOLOGY makes HISTORY” the books have invited worldly renowned photographers to illustrate the art of photography. The photographers have contributed works using Nikon Camera and NIKKOR lens”. – Nikon, Japan.
“A new art book of photography with photography all taken with Nikon Camera and NIKKOR lens and story around the lens. The book introduces the world’s leading 21 photographers’ original work with story around the lens used for the work. The book will also introduce the technology and decades of craftsmanship of NIKKOR lens by the Nikon engineers”. -Nikon, Japan
My photographic journey, from nothing to this in four years makes me smile, When I started out I had to learn everything from scratch, processing an image , to working the camera settings out, to sending invoices, writing proper, blogging and marketing my company. I had no experience in any of this having left school to join the army at 16,with no qualifications and not knowing I was dyslexic at the time.
I grafted day and night never giving up and not taking no for an answer to get my work out there. My childhood passion for wildlife and time served life skills from then to now have helped me so much though. Never give up in the pursuit of what you want, I was lucky my mum embedded this belief into me from a young age, whilst learning me about nature around us. My images represent an event that occurred in the wild something that I witnessed and recorded with my camera.
My skill lies in interpreting and presenting this in a way that invokes beauty, mood and emotion with each moment captured My aim has always been to inspire people with my photographs while working in an ethical way alongside the wildlife I see always remembering I’m a guest in their world.
“Wildlife is most active at dawn and dusk and this is when you need to rely on your equipment just that bit more. All my encounters with wildlife are special and I try never to change an animals’ behavior by my presence. The end result is a true image of that time I captured with my heart firstly rather than secondly. I always try to capture the real essence of the subject I’m photographing. In doing so, those images you take show a greater understanding for your subject and in turn show and teach those that view your images more about the subject and where they live and how they conduct their lives..” Craig Jones.
This wonderful book will be available on Amazon very soon and I have a few free ones coming from Japan, a small perk of being in the book I believe. I’d like to thank all my friends,clients, pass and present for your support, those that have helped me and stood by me. This for me rounds off a wonderful year work-wise. I’m looking forward to next year already, my trips, my work and my own projects and ideas I have planned, many thanks.