In the April issue of Bird Watching magazine there is an excellent article about how birdwatchers and photographers interact inside purpose built hides that are designed to get you closer to wildlife without disturbing it.
It’s a subject that is rarely spoken about but very much exists. It’s a brave article that tries to give advice while discussing with all parties their own experiences.
I was very happy to be asked by the author of the article, Amanda Tuke what were my own experiences and thoughts on this matter. When I was a small child I joined the YOC- Young Ornithologists Club, which was the youth branch of the RSPB.
The YOC was launched in 1965 and came with the magazine called “Bird Life’. They organised birdwatching trips to different places around Britain. It was my first real taste of man-made, wooden hides overlooking vital areas where birds and other wildlife could be seen.
I wasn’t really aware back then of any hostility between anyone as everyone looked out for what we could see at that time. It wasn’t really until much later in life that I witnessed how the two different parties acted and coexisted alongside each other under the cover of these hides.
Nature is amazing and for everyone no matter where you come from or what your preference is. Let’s hope the article brings about more conversations and tolerance for everyone that seeks out nature.
The post Changing Focus appeared first on Craig Jones Wildlife Photographer.